The world, as seen by you, me and Neo

Thursday, August 24, 2006

they divided us
made one divine
pronounced another untouchable
said God embraces some
but mourned existence of others
generations in shackles
ignorant lives
but we woke up
dust on our minds washed up
I saw his mother
working chores for others
hoping he can see the sunshine
we just have different names
I thought he was the same
friends forever
we said to each other
wanting to touch the sky
youth personified
enthralled, exuberant
we paved our way to harbor
but they patted his back and pushed mine
said credentials are not our glass of wine
I met him again
he had books and I carried pain
burning effigies and shouting with disdain
they divided us again


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Gunjan
neat poem ..but a very painful one huh!!

7:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'd say - painful but real; it hits the MAN directly.
God created one man and he created so many Boundaries and so many differences.

3:21 AM  

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