The world, as seen by you, me and Neo

Friday, March 02, 2007

What You Got?

“Hello…this is ****, how can I help you”
“I bought a phone with wireless internet service from you guys, I bought data cable to connect the same to my PC and access Internet but it’s not working.”
“Ok…click on the installation file”
“I did”
“Now what you got”
“Well, I have gone through several steps of installation and am stuck on the one where it recognizes the data cable”
“OK, now what you got”
“Just told you, I am stuck on the installation window which says it can not recognize any COM port on my machine, whereas I am trying to install a USB data cable”
“OK click ‘OK’ on that dialogue box, now what you got”
“If I will click on this dialogue window, I will go back to installation window…right ( angry )”
“OK, no what you got”
“Just told you I AM BACK TO WHERE I WAS STUCK (very angry #$^%%$&^^)”
“Why didn’t you buy the correct phone”
“Dude, what does it have to do with the phone, where I am trying to install the data cable( now very very angry)”
“I think you got wrong cable”
“Sitting there, just by speculation you can tell me I have wrong cable ( can I get a gun, knife…something….#$^%%$&^^%#@$#@$^&) “
“Go to our service center and get your phone and data cable checked, possibly buy a new one”
“New one …this is a new one”

This was the ultimate conversation between me and a Reliance ‘Tech Support’ guy.
Instead of looking at the reasons of inability of installing a modem and drivers, he told me to buy a new phone and cable.
Reliance….that’s what Dhirubhai named his company, which didn’t seem to justify on not one but many occasions.
I agree that when a company’s customer base increases, such issues are inevitable but that’s where our companies have to learn and improvise.
Good customer service is the centripetal force for creating the circle of trust among consumers.
We need ethical, motivated and sincere professionals and corporate giants like Reliance will be instrumental in achieving that.

Neo will say that I am rephrasing my corporate standards baloney but I mean it.
We are boasting to be champion of services then we need champion workforce.
“it’s ok” attitude will only lead us to “ what you got”


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