The world, as seen by you, me and Neo

Friday, April 07, 2006

Today me, Neo and some of my colleagues were relishing some hot bites of tasty Mexican Pizza at Oregano's, and somebody guided the cheesy lunch time discussion to the hottest issue of the month, 'Illegal immigrants in America'.
My fellow American colleagues expressed their strong concerns about the unstoppable flux of illegal immigrants, and the inevitable results of increased burden on taxpayers, mounting pressure on hospitals, schools etc. and soaring crime rate. I believe our server, who was from Mexican descent, heard us and though I am not Malcolm Gladwell in interpreting the expressions, I felt his expression were breaking the language barrier between us and asking "is it right, to pronounce my attempt to provide my family a good life, illegal by the scribes of law?", and his question did penetrate my heart.
Is it reasonable to label these people as the root cause of the problem and forget Corporate world's strong lust for cheap labor?
Is it right to attribute all the problems to the greedy nature of mankind?
You might argue that my arbitration is driven more by emotional heart than by pragmatic mind, but in my opinion, mind fails to provide a perfect solution here.
Neo doesn't concur with me and says that inequalities will always exist in the world and one man's pursuit for happiness should not be on cost of another's misery. Aspiring immigrants have all the rights and procedures in place to enter the doors of America and those who can't confirm to these procedures should be stopped from entering the country.
His opinion sounds to be just and I don't think its not impious to immigrants either.
I recalled Neo was renovating his house and I asked him whether he checked, the contractors, whose work he admired, are
eligible to work in this country or not. A flash of mixed expressions was evident on his face.

Will heightening the border walls solve the problem?
Is legalizing millions of illegal people a feasible solution (Sounds ironic to me that people, who have lived here illegally for years, will be ready to voluntarily disclose the very fact)?

Flashback to my previous question....Is it right to attribute all the problems to the greedy nature of mankind?

Thursday, April 06, 2006 first post has to be on cricket...its in my nerves..can't help it :).
I chanced upon this article( )by Sambit Bal, who is not my favorite of writers but raises some very good questions in this article. I have grounds to suggest that cricket has been continually, methodically shaped to evolve as a batsman's game, sometimes by putting the premise of generating more interest in spectators, sometimes by glamorizing the style, persona and charm of exotic batting and the list can go on, full of milestones, defining the way cricket is played now.
I still remember when my dad used to play with me and my brother, the soul aim for me used to imitate our Gods (Gavaskar, Richards, Azhar) while batting, bowling didn't inspire or attract me before I started playing at school level.
I believe it was just not me who dreamed to hit a cracking half century more than propelling the body jet to shatter stumps, that's the way every cricket story starts, at least in India.
Well, Neo is American, and recently he saw a cricket match and when I asked him what did you find the most interesting part of the game, he responded expectedly that hitting the ball with a flat, wider than baseball bat amazes him, asking about what he thought about the bowling, he said he didn't understand much, and that's exactly how we want to promote the game to youngsters, sensationalize batting and portray bowling as another part of the game not the equally interesting part of game. I think the cricket wonderland will be more fascinating with more Akhtars, AKrams, Kapil Devs , Holdings, Marshalls, Lillys along with Sachins, Laras, Pontings, Gilchrists , Sehwags.
If it's fun to watch a game where teams pile on runs to achieve a surreal total of 872, it will also be great to watch some games where some monstrous spells sink a whole team within score of 200.
Hail Da Game...
Looking forward to your opinion.
